Perseverance Rover website

This is a group project, where we decided to create an interactive website. The main purpose was to present a topic that has lots of depth and intriguing information from an easier perspective. The main topic of the website is the Perseverance Rover, which landed on Mars in 2020. This website is created for people who do not really know anything specific about space but wanted to learn more about the rover mission. All of the pages have information that would be useful for any generic person that was interested in this topic, but at the same time presented in an interactive and interesting way. We used a mix of custom content with content from NASA website to increase the interest and interactivity of the website. This includes but is not limited to an embedded weather measurement from Mars, which can read celsius and fahrenheit, and an interactive timeline based on Perseverance and its journey. The link to our website:


  • Ekaterina Farkhulina
  • Ben Green
  • Joe Johnson
  • Lucy Smith

Awards & Shortlists

  • best-project (shortlisted)
  • best-design (shortlisted)